

Academic publishing


書號🤒:ISBN 978-7-112-13600-1  

前 言:

當意昂4一股勁沖進國民經濟GDP 總量為世界第二大經濟體時🍩,許多問題不斷地向意昂4迎面襲來。現代化建設在規模🤦🏻‍♀️、速度、效益的巨大壓力下🤙🏿,建設環境的同時不知不覺又在破壞環境。尊重自然發展規則,提高實際高效益🎀,提升環境景觀品質,提純景觀環境文化內涵🧑🏽‍🚒,是當今中國景觀建設發展過程中專家學者和政府都很關註的前沿問題。


21 世紀建築隨想
The thought about architecture in 21st century
Itsuko Hasegawa ( Japan )
Asian life style
Wang Xingtian ( China )
Design and ecology —— A landscape antagonism?
Till Rehwaldt ( Germany )
Sustainable form and space in urban & landscape design in our globalization age
Yoh Sasaki ( Japan )
嚴國泰(中國)/ 劉悅來(中國)
Landscape regeneration ——
Dialectical thinking in tourism planning of China’s cultural and historic heritage sites
Yan Guotai ( China ) / Liu Yuelai ( China )
Design with nature——The bamboo architecture
Markus Heinsdorff ( Germany ) 
大衛• 楊• 姚斯特拉(荷蘭)
Cradle to cradle, Design paradigm for the future
Douwe Jan Joustra ( The Kingdom of the Netherlands )

對話人🔚:鮑詩度 與 大衛•楊•姚斯特拉
Ecological design of the Netherlands
Interlocutors: Bao Shidu & Douwe Jan Joustra
對話人:鮑詩度 與 長谷川逸子
I am a designer for research environment
Interlocutors: Bao Shidu & Itsuko Hasegawa
對話人🤟🏼:鮑詩度 與 馬庫斯•海因斯多夫
New eco-landscape and architecture
Interlocutors: Bao Shidu & Markus Heinsdorff
對話人👩🏼‍🎓:鮑詩度 與 佐佐木葉
Japan low-carpon landscape design
Interlocutors: Bao Shidu & Yoh Sasaki
對話人:鮑詩度 與 提爾•雷瓦德
Sino-Germany landscape design and cooperation
Interlocutors: Bao Shidu & Till Rehwaldt
Study on urban landscape simulation system
Bao Shidu—— Environment Art Design Academe, Donghua University
鮑承業 —— 埃瑞弗•上海建築規劃設計機構
Planning analysis and study of urban open-space ring
——A study case of Shanghai city outer greenbelt
Bao Chengye—— ARIF-International, Ltd. Shanghai
夏明,李婕—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
The protection and renewal in historical buildings
——Thinking about the complex building of Mi-feng floss factory in Shanghai
Xia Ming , Li Jie ——Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
蔡燕婕🙍🏿‍♀️,劉昭如—— 上海建橋學院藝術設計系
Highly eyeing the function of urban green space for daily outdoor recreation
Cai Yanjie, Liu Zhaoru —— Department of Art Design, Shanghai Jianqiao College 
程雪松—— 上海大學美術學院
Artists workshop of Shanghai——Interior design of A Zhong’s studio
Cheng Xuesong—— College of Fine Arts, Shanghai University 
彭軍💂🏽‍♂️👩🏿‍🚒,金濤—— 天津美術學院
The art and culture of light in urban landscape
Peng Jun, Jin Tao—— Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
 探討綠色建築評價體系——BREEAM 🚧、LEED 及綠色三星
劉九玲🤷🏽,蔣佳惠 ——
Discussion about green building assessment system
——BREEAM, LEED and Chinese green building evaluation label
Liu Jiuling , Jiang Jiahui ——
Eco Intellects Ltd., Beijing;Communication University of China 
鮑李然——EIH 都市建築綜合計畫上海事務所
The public art in Japan
Bao Liran——EIH Architecture and City Planning
吳雲一—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Analysis of the architectural features of the exhibition on different background
Wu Yunyi——Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
宋樹德,孫傳明 ——
When city square meets business value
——2nd round construction of LianYunGang People square case study
Song Shude, Sun Chuaming ——
Fashion•Art Design Institute,Donghua University;Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of Lianyungang
李楠—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Researching into corn space under the high-density cities environment in
Li Nan——Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
潘淘潔—— 貴州民族學院美術學院
The survival environment of Shui Minority’s embroidery
Pan Taojie—— College of Fine Arts, Guizhou University for Nationalities
王海婷—— 上海思博職業技術學院
The modular furniture design innovation
Wang Haiting——Shanghai Sipo Polytechnic 
魏真,朱鐘炎—— 同濟大學建築與城規學院
Research on low-carbon landscape planning
Wei Zhen, Zhu Zhongyan—— College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
吳之吟—— 意昂4娱乐
Indentity-oriented guide system of public transport junction in city
Wu Zhiyin—— Environment Art Design Academe, Donghua University
張景—— 福建省寧德市寧德師範學院管理與工程系
Study on the landscape design of road environment in Ningde
ZhangJing—— Department of Management and Engineering , Ningde Normal University
張靖華,王珺—— 南京工程學院建築工程學院
The architectural history and region cultural landscape of Chaohu valley
——An Interpretation on the family tree of Zhangjiatuan village
Zhang Jinghua, Wang Jun——Engineering and Architecture Institute, Nanjing Institute
of Technology
章丹音,朱鐘炎—— 同濟大學建築與城規學院
Low-carbon urban living space design concept and strategy for communication
Zhang Danyin, Zhu Zhongyan——College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji
葉苗—— 上海科學技術職業學院
On the element of balance in the environment art and design:
From the study of shape formation
Ye Miao—— Shanghai Vocational College of Science and Technology
 取之自然 歸至自然——從馬庫斯的竹建築談起
盛男—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Take from nature, return to nature
——Start from Markus’s works of bamboo architecture
Sheng Nan—— Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
屈曉潔—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Study on the application of history context in urban renewal
Qu Xiaojie—— Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
曹曉玲—— 新疆工業高等專科學校
Research the tendency of the development of geographical landscape architecture
by studying shanghai expo
Cao Xiaoling——Xinjiang Polytechnical College
孫婷婷—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Research on the landscaping impact of the urban elevated rail transit
Sun Tingting—— Fashion • Art Design Institute,Donghua University

黃思思—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
The interior of the outdoor landscape——Research on design element frame
Huang Sisi—— Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
朱茜—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Analysis of the techniques of expression of “Exposing” in environmental art design
Zhu Qian—— Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University
錢程—— 意昂4服裝•藝術設計學院
Research on the decorative of non-adornment in the interior space
Qian Cheng—— Fashion • Art Design Institute, Donghua University

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  • P.C.🧑🏼‍🎄:200051

  • E-mail🌎:dhuhyy@dhu.edu.cn

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